In 2001, for the first time in medicine have been described cases are constantly arising sexual arousal in women - uncontrollable, and is not associated with sexual stimuli, and also with an orgasm is not in place. In these women with great frequency arise bouts of unnecessary orgasm with the muscles of a small basin decreases, increases sweating, heart rate, dilates blood vessels in becomes more frequent breath. The female body thus preparing to orgasm, and he comes, but completely lack the time and not in inadequate situation.

The world is known to only a few dozen cases of this disease, but experts on sexology correctly assume that in fact there is much more: the majority of patients simply not talk about their problems. These women live the excitement without any sexual motivation, and sexual drive, and their life becomes a tragedy. Orgasm can occur during shopping in the store, at the workplace, during a meeting over a cup of coffee with friends.
Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal (PGAD - eng.), or as it is also called - a Syndrome of Sustained Sexual Arousal (PSA - eng.) transforms the natural pleasure in serious disorders and creates in patients a sense of guilt and hopelessness.
This disorder is characterized by tension in the genital area and regular sexual excitement without any real sexual motivation and sex drive. Such a situation is not always ends with orgasm, and even when it happens, facilitate the patient does not occur. As described in medicine recently, this syndrome included in the list of sexual dysfunctions, but it is expected its speedy inclusion in the classification of mental disorders.
How to gynecologists, and specialists in sexology Embassy Medicine are convinced that this syndrome has nothing to do with nymphomania - phrasi to sex, which is characterized by a constant need to engage, even with anorgasmia, or the inability to experience orgasm, even with multiple orgasms sunt, or multiple orgasm - the phenomenon, which is not morbid.
The main symptom of this disorder is that women are in a state of preorgasm, in an exciting, and at the same time do not have the slightest desire sexual relations. This condition is not at all brings them pleasure, but it seems more like a pain in the genitals, causing unpleasant experiences.
Experts in medicine and sexology knows about this syndrome something. The age of the patients, usually from 30 to 45 years.As possible causes of its development is considered to be the presence of anatomical abnormalities or tumors of the genital organs, the possible violation of the balance between challenging and blocking neurotransmitters in the brain, neurological disorders (epilepsy), disorders of the arteries and veins of the neural network of the genitals and what is strange - the reception of the popular and widely used of the latest generation of antidepressants from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
Excitement occurs usually in a situation where the patient is experiencing drowsiness or fatigue, that seems weird, because usually these conditions reduce sex drive. A wasted orgasm can be caused by just a small movement of the legs. Some light on the nature of the disorder casts the study of Italian scientists from the university of Bolonia (Battaglia, Venturoli), found in one of the patients with this syndrome, have on the background of treatment with antidepressants (trazodone) the permanent erection of the clitoris, similar to that experienced by men with priapism (lack of chronic erection).

nature syndrome
Lack of understanding of the nature, and causes Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal is not gives you the opportunity to have there bad effective help. If the disorder occurs on the background of neurological or mental illness, therapeutic tactics are focused on their treatment.
In other cases the symptomatic treatment of:some people help the creams with local anaesthetic or local application of ice. For some women they are effective antidepressants, or drugs, blocker of dopamine receptors, or hormonal antiandrogenic drugs.
Experts in sexology and gynecology, does not remain anything else how to proceed in the selection of therapy for these patients by the method of trial and error.
So sick he needs a skilled psychic or psychological help. Many patients with this syndrome occur in severe depression and a suicide attempt.
Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal interferes with their normal life, their relationship with a partner or a sentimental partner, and together with the development of feelings of guilt, self-pity, loss of self-esteem, reduced mood.